Sunday 24 November 2013

Mali votes in parliamentary elections amid high security

Police check the ID cards of people arriving at a polling station in Bamako during Mali's presidential election in August.
There has been a resurgence in violence in Mali since the presidential election (above) took place in August
Mali has been voting amid high security in parliamentary elections, the second nationwide poll since a French military intervention against Islamist militants in the north earlier this year.
Mali held a peaceful presidential election in August, but since then there has been a surge in violence.
On Thursday, the northern city of Gao came under rocket attack.
Extra French troops have been deployed to Kidal, where two French journalists were killed earlier this month.
A total of 6.5 million people are registered to take part in the first round of elections to choose a parliament.
Voting began at 08:00 GMT in the West African nation and ended at 18:00.
'Too dangerous'
The United Nations force, Minusma, has delivered election materials.
Regional and international election observers said before the vote that everything was in place for a credible parliamentary election and that they expected to have access to 90% of Mali's polling stations.
But in the far northern towns of Kidal and Tessalit, only the party of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita features on ballot papers, says the BBC's Alex Duval Smith in the capital, Bamako.
Opposition candidates say it has been too dangerous to campaign there.
Three weeks ago two French journalists, Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, were killed in Kidal, in an attack claimed by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.
The resurgence in violence since the presidential election in August suggests Islamists and Tuareg secessionists still have the upper hand in pockets of the country, says Alex Duval Smith.
France still has more than 3,000 troops in Mali, where there is also a force of United Nations peacekeepers.
Mali's crisis began early in 2012 when secessionist Tuareg rebels, acting in alliance with Islamist groups linked to al-Qaeda, swept across the north of the country, forcing 500,000 people to flee their homes.
In March 2012, President Amadou Toumani Toure was ousted in a coup, ostensibly staged by junior officers in protest at the army's lack of resources to fight the rebels.
The rebels then intensified their campaign and controlled two thirds of Mali by January 2013 when France sent 4,500 troops to oust them.
The government of Mali and separatist rebels signed a peace agreement in June, paving the way for presidential and parliamentary elections.

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