Sunday 16 March 2014

Zimbabwe: Western Embassies Plot Tsvangirai Ouster

IN a development meant to expedite Morgan Tsvangirai's ouster as MDC-T leader ahead of the next elections, Western allies are said to be persuading sections of the party to hold an early congress which they would fully fund.
Tsvangirai is fighting for his political life after the party's deputy national treasurer, Elton Mangoma openly told him to step down and allow the election of a new leadership to bring in new ideas ahead of the 2018 vote.
Mangoma's daring move sparked a bitter and often violent leadership spat pitting the former energy minister, supported by the likes of Roy Bennet, Elias Mudzuri and Tendai Biti on the one hand, against Tsvangirai who has the backing of his deputy Thokozani Khuphe, Nelson Chamisa, Douglas Mwonzora and Morgen Komichi, among others.
America, Britain and Australia, traditional allies of the MDC-T, have reportedly had it to their back teeth with Tsvangirai after he failed to topple President Robert Mugabe and his Zanu PF party in three successive attempts over the last 15 years.
Tsvangirai denies he was defeated, arguing his rival has repeatedly cheated him out of victory through blatant vote fraud and unleashing violence against his supporters.
But the argument appears to be losing traction with Western embassies in Harare who have also been unimpressed with the former prime minister's sex scandals and alleged misappropriation of party finances.
The donors have already started applying pressure by cutting funding to the party, leaving it struggling to finance its operations and forcing Tsvangirai to plead with supporters to contribute even a penny each.
A top official who works closely with Western envoys attached to Harare told that donors were adamant that Tsvangirai should not lead the MDC into the next elections.
The official said meetings were being held, almost on a daily basis, by the donor community to strategize on how the MDC can be compelled to hold an early congress that would elect a new leader.
"The funders are not even happy with Tsvangirai," said the official.

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