Friday 25 October 2013

Guinea: Security Council Urges Restraint, Calm Ahead of Election Certification

The United Nations Security Council is urging Guineans to exercise restraint and calm as the Supreme Court certifies the results of the legislative elections held last month.
"The members of the Security Council commended the Guinean people for their peaceful participation in the electoral process," the 15-members said in a late night press statement yesterday.
Guinea's Nation Independent Electoral Commission published the provisional results on 18 October, a move welcomed by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and transmitted the results to the country's top court on 20 October where the ratification process is ongoing.
In their latest statement, the Council members called on all political stakeholders to resolve any electoral disputes through legal recourse.
The long-delayed polls were held on 28 September, following talks in Conakry, the country's capital, between the Government and opposition parties.
An agreement to hold elections in September was signed at the end of the UN-mediated inter-Guinean political dialogue, launched on 28 March, and organized through a Follow-up Committee of the 3 July Agreement.
The Security Council has urged Guineans to implement the recommendations of the Follow-up Committee "without delay" and to remain engaged with the body.
The Council members "looked forward to the establishment of the new, democratic, and representative National Assembly," according to the statement, and encouraged UN entities and international actors, including the Peacebuilding Commission, to continue to support Guinea in this regard.
They also expressed "strong support" for the continued facilitation efforts led by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa, Said Djinnit.
The Council looked forward to the consolidation of democracy, peace and inclusive sustainable socio-economic development in the country, the statement summarized.
Guinea has been affected by political tumult since Captain Moussa Dadis Camara seized power in a coup in 2008, following the death of long-time president Lansana Conté. In November 2010, the election of Alpha Condé as President was the final stage of an interim Government's efforts to set the stage for democracy in the country.
The Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman, briefed the Council on the situation in Guinea earlier this week.

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