Friday 18 October 2013

Tunisia: Military Operation Underway to Track Terrorists After National Guard Officers' Killings

Beja — A massive military operation is underway in the area of Tella, delegation of Goubellat (governorate of Beja), to chase a terrorist group who killed two National Guard officers on Thursday, informed sources said.
The National Army used helicopters and military aircraft to shell the region and push terrorists entrenched in the mountain to show up.
The same sources told TAP correspondent that weapons were discovered along with ammonium, an artificial fertiliser used in making explosives, during a raid on a house dwelt by the members of the terrorist group who, they added, killed local National Guard chief Lieutenant Mahmoud Ferchichi and Sergeant Karim Hamdi, National Guard officer in Goubellat, and seriously injured Sergeant Faouzi Charfi.
Locals in Goubellat and Mejez El Bab (southern Beja) are on high alert and lending a helping hand with surveillance.

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