Friday 25 October 2013

Kenya: Govt Will Not Tolerate Refugees Planning Terror Attacks - Ole Lenku

Fifteen immigration officials have been fired over illegal issuance of Kenyan identity documents to illegal immigrants. Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Ole Lenku said the fifteen are senior and mid-level immigration officers who he said endangered national security by illegally issuing ID cards. He added that the officers will appear in court to face charges.
He further said that 17 senior administration officers have been re-deployed to the Department of Immigration to help streamline the department. Ole Lenku said the Interior Ministry has carried out a thorough audit that will strengthen our response to future security challenges. He said the "purge" that has began today at the Immigration department will extend to other departments within the government
"The Govt will carry out a thorough audit of identity cards and passports issued in the country in the last two years. This exercise will enable us flush out all those who have been issued with illegal passports and other identification documents" Ole Lenku said.
He said the government is also aware that some people Govt is also aware that some people have misused waiting cards issued upon application for an ID.
"To all those who may have been part of the network facilitating IDs to illegal immigrants. Your days are clearly numbered." The Interior Cabinet Secretary said.
Ole Lenku further said that there are 350,000 uncollected ID cards in registration centres country wide stating that he has instructed all relevant departments to destroy any ID card that has not been collected within 3 months from today.
He added that the government will be seeking to amend the Registration of Persons Act to strengthen indentification process before issuance of ID cards.
Ole Lenku said some refugees have abused Kenya's hospitality and warned that the government will not tolerate refugees planning to launch terror attacks from refugee camps.
"We have welcomed with open arms, refugees fleeing from insecurity in neighbouring countries but we wont allow them to harm us. Because of the returning calm in some parts of the Federal Republic of
Somali, the process of repatriating Somali refugees has started." He said.
Ole Lenku further said that the government will work closely with neighbourhood organizations and associations to enhance security as part of the Nyumba Kumi initiative. He said that community policing is anchored in Article 244(e) of the constitution which requires the police service to promote relationships with broader society.
"I have appointed a committee of reputable persons to spearhead the development of national policy on community policing. The committee will develop a national policy and oversee the implementation of this important security initiative." Ole Lenku announced.
The committee will be chaired by Joseph Kaguthi while members include Titus Naikuni, Simiyu Werunga, Nurie Abdillai,Salim Ndemo and Dr Francis Sang.

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